Beginning Years operates as a self-supporting educational nonprofit agency of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. Salaries, operation and expenses are paid by tuition fees. Tuition is determined by per-pupil costs. An annual, non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 is charged per child ($25.00 for each additional sibling) for art supplies, books, furniture, toys, etc.
When a child has a birthday and changes to a new rate category, the tuition rate will change effective the first day of the following week. There are no discount rates available for families with multiple children enrolled.
Please contact us for current rates.
Payment of Tuition
Tuition payment is due the Monday of the week care is to be given. If the account is 2 weeks past due the child will not be admitted until the account is paid in full. The child’s position will not be guaranteed until tuition is current. No notice will be given if a new child enrolls in his/her position.
If a check is returned from the bank, we will charge a $20 NSF fee. We will also ask that the next payment be make in cash before your child will be admitted. If we do not receive payment in cash, then the position will be considered unpaid and open to be filled by another child.