Do you know what Luther’s Seal stands for? Have you ever eaten a diet of worms? Beautiful Savior’s Sunday school kids know about both thanks to the group’s annual Reformation Day celebration!
On Oct. 29, BSLC’s kids learned about our Lutheran history, specifically Martin Luther’s influence in establishing Lutheranism.
The kids colored Luther’s Seal while learning it’s meaning, then designed their own seals with activities and items meaningful to them. The youngest students tried a version of pinning the tail on the donkey, but instead pinning 95 Theses on the church wall.
To wrap up the celebration, kids learned about Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms while munching on Oreo pudding cups with gummy worms … a diet of worms!
Sunday school classes meet each Sunday, after the worship service, in the upstairs classrooms. Watch the church calendar for holiday breaks.